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Wireless Gaming Headset with Mic

n0mad's picture


I’m Still away fr0m the PC but i’ve been thinking 0f getting myself a wirless headset.
It’s been 0ver a year since a few IPX purchased the Logitech G930 and 0ur discussion here

l00k forward t0 sum rec0mmendati0ns as I’m finally in the market t0 g0 wireless.

I d0 have an 0ld ph0ne in my pc parts bin might just save sum cash and do this

P.S suggested m0del must charge and all0w use at the same time


Robag's picture

I went look on the internet and i found this

owwwww new shiny thing for N0mad to buy…

Logitech G933 the big dog

Here is a list at Mwave

I love my G930 still going strong after 5 years

mind you the Corsair Gaming VOID is looking good


n0mad's picture


Corsair Gaming Void

Nice find but 8-10 h0urs with lights 0n c0mpared t0 20 h0urs with0ut and the Mic is rather shite shame th0 but again u get what ya pay f0r.

Still reading thru reviews…


Kazozza's picture

Still using the G930… it’s

Still using the G930… it’s great. My only gripe is i can’t hook it up to the tv.

n0mad's picture


linuxslacker's picture

whatever you do dont get......

whatever you do dont get Turtlebeach…. few years ago was looking for a wireless one for the ps3. turtlebeach had quite a bit of positive reviews/hype but tbh they are the most overpriced uncomfortable low quality(in both build and sound) pile of crap headphones.

logitech are ok but i find they never last as long as i want them to last(last pair lasted about 1 year before the plastic broke) pity there’s no platronics one its the brand i am using now wired and quite happy with them

Sha8doW's picture


Yeah mine is broke… still works with duct tape, and the Faux-leather noise cancelling ear dealies are pealing…

having said that its 6years old and my kids sat on it!

n0mad's picture

int0 the v0id

Well after much research and r0bag’s 2nd suggesti0n I’m ab0ut t0 pull the trigger 0n these
Corsair VOID Wireless Dolby 7.1 Gaming Headset

Can you run an 0utput fr0m y0ur TV t0 the PC line in then Listen to y0ur TV thru the headph0nes ?


Somtin's picture

logitech surround sound

Was just reading that last thread and you mentioned about these surround headsets.

I use my logitech for playing counterstrike, which has built-in surround sound support and works great with the headphones. What you do need to be careful of is the dolby surround sound mode, which attempts to convert everything to surround sound (mumble, music, etc) which is a big no-no. Use the drivers, turn surround sound off and everything will sound normal, jump into a game that supports positional sounds such as CS:GO, and it works automatically.


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